so i borrow the key for nothing =.= and becoz i brought all my camera there.. hehe.. photo time!! so.. while my director, Sek Thim is being serious direct the actors... i busy taking ppl photo.. =p i'm more bored cause Grace took over my SM job today for morning section.. so i can do more weird thing with my camera~
i even took my monkey, the handphone hanger (which looks like my Piggy~ haha!).. and i twist the head around so that it looks like me?... see following picture~
TA DA!! hahaha.. soon i going to have a new nickname.. from Piglet to Tortoise to Monkey? hahah.. this is why they should give me something to do while others are rehearsing..
so this is how my rehearsal in college go for today~ haha.. oh ya~ after all the pic.. i even.... (≥▽≤)
naughty la u...always nth to do..go & play the camera..
coll life is so fun..i really want that too..but i am glad that i am graduating haha ^^
lol... i don wan to graduate!! i wan to do production like this for life!! hahaha~ so tat i can sleep all the time =P hehe
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