Friday, October 3, 2008

wat u bring to sleep tonight?

i had a gastric now...
so pain tat i could get up from my bed..
and he care..
i know everything he does is for my own good..
and i appreciate tat..
why did it lean to a sorrow?
double pain...
in the heart..
and in the stomach...
he hate me cry...
so i hold on to my tears..
"i am fine~"
this is what i said...
immediately hang up the call..
tears drop down like heavy rain..
wet my pillow and wet my nite...
this is wat i bringing along with me to bed tonight...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

cute but meaningful..

ps* the writer is a male... lol~

no electricity ==

everytime during some huge festival celebration... the electricity sure will cut off somehow ==

at 6.54pm.. i was on the phone with my hubby and chatting with my "son" in msn... then suddenly.. everything in front of me turn black... i cant see a thing..

and my parents lights up the whole house with candles...

then at about 7.47pm... the electricity came back to normal.. till now~ lol.. hopefully it dont cut off for no reason again == haiz~

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

will u wait for him?

again i recieve a sms...
"sorry, dont wait for me.."
"i wont be online today.."
if you...
will you still wait for him?
for me..
i waited for him since 2pm...
although he said he will on after 3pm..
but i just too excited to see him...
i waited...
i got the msg at 4pm...
but i still waiting for him now..
why? why?
maybe because i still hoping he will on somehow..
10min, 5 min, or 1 min...
just to say hi and bye...
and how much i love and miss him...
is all that worth...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

别错过你爱の人~ ♥

有那么一对情侣. 女孩很漂亮, 非常善解人意, 偶尔时不时出些坏点子耍耍男孩.
男孩很聪明, 也很懂事, 最主要的一点. 幽默感很强.
他们一直相处不错, 女孩对男孩的感觉, 淡淡的, 说男孩象自己的亲人.
男孩对女孩爱甚深, 非常非常在乎她. 所以每当吵架的时候, 男孩都会说是自己不好, 自己的错.
即使有时候真的不怪他的时候, 他也这么说. 他不想让女孩生气.
就这样过5年, 男孩仍然非常爱女孩, 象当初一样.

有一个周末, 女孩出门办事, 男孩本来打算去找女孩, 但是一听说她有事, 就打消了这个念头.
他在家里呆了一天, 他没有联系女孩, 他觉得女孩一直在忙, 自己不好去打扰他.
谁知女孩在忙的时候, 还想着男孩, 可是一天没有接到男孩的消息, 她很生气.
晚上回家后, 发了条信息给男孩, 话说得很重. 甚至提到了分手. 当时是晚上12点.
男孩心急如焚, 打女孩手机, 连续打了3次, 都给挂断了. 打家里电话没人接, 猜想是女孩把电话线拔了.
男孩抓起衣服就出门了, 他要去女孩家. 当时是12点25.
女孩在12点40的时候又接到了男孩的电话, 从手机打来的, 她又给挂断了.
一夜无话. 男孩没有再给女孩打电话.

第2天, 女孩接到男孩母亲的电话, 电话那边声泪俱下.
男孩昨晚出了车祸. 警方说是车速过快导致刹车不急, 撞到了一辆坏在半路的大货车.
救护车到的时候, 人已经不行了. 女孩心痛到哭不出来, 可是再后悔也没有用了.
女孩强忍悲痛来到了事故车停车场, 她想看看男孩呆过的最后的地方.
车已经撞得完全不成样子. 方向盘上, 仪表盘上,还沾有男孩的血迹.
男孩的母亲把男孩当时身上的遗物给了女孩, 钱包, 手表, 还有那部沾满了男孩鲜血的手机.
女孩翻开钱包, 里面有她的照片, 血渍浸透了大半张.
当女孩拿起男孩的手表的时候, 赫然发现, 手表的指针停在12点35分附近.
女孩瞬间明白了, 男孩在出事后还用最后一丝力气给她打电话, 而她自己却因为还在堵气没有接.
男孩再也没有力气去拨第2遍电话了, 他带着对女孩的无限眷恋和内疚走了.

女孩永远不知道, 男孩想和她说的最后一句话是什么.
女孩也明白, 不会再有人会比这个男孩, 更爱她了!

1. 当你正在忙时,却把手机开著,等著她/他的短信.. 你已经爱上她/他了
2. 如果你喜欢和她/他两个人单独漫步.. 你已经爱上她/他了
3. 当你和她/他在一起时,你会假装不注意他,但是当她离/他开你的视线 时,你 会急著寻找她/他... 你已经爱上她了
4. 当她/他受伤或生病时,你会很关心她,替她/他著急.. 你已经爱上他了
5. 当她/他和别人要好时,你会感到吃不知其味... 你已经爱上他了
6. 当你看到她/他那甜美的笑时,你的嘴角会扬起一丝得意的笑..你已经爱上她 / 他了....
7. 当你看到这篇文章时,心里想到某个人

learning korean~

안녕하세요 an nyong ha se yo~ lol.. today i learn korean from Grace after her editing... so.. this is wat i learn~
ㅏ a (ah)
ㅓO /eo (ou)
ㅜ u (wu)
ㅗ o (oh)
ㅡ U /eu (Ngeer)
ㅣI (Yi)
Double Vowels
ㅖ Ye
ㅒ Yae
ㅛ Yo
ㅠ Yu
ㅔ e
ㅕ YO
ㅚ oi
ㅟ ui
ㅢ Ui
ㄷ Digeut
ㅎ Hieung
ㅅ Shiot
ㄹ Rieul
ㅂ Bieup
ㅈ Jieut
ㅁ Mieum
ㄴ Nieun
ㅇ Ieung
ㅋ Kieuk
ㅊ Chieut
ㅌ Tieut
ㅍ Pieup
Double Consonants & others
ㅃ Ssang Bieup
ㅉ Ssang Jieut
ㄸ Ssang Digeut
ㄲ Ssang Giyok
ㅆ Ssang Shiot
ㅋㅋㅋ... ㅎㅎㅎ.... 하하하!!! =P ty to Teacher Grace~ LMAO.... ㄴㅇㄴ

Sunday, September 28, 2008


all i do is just wait..
i wait for you to get online the whole day...
looking at msn..
log in and out GB for times..
but still din see you appear...
now i got to go offline soon..
i only hear from you through the phone..
you told me tat you are sorry...
and i understand..
i understand you with your dad..
i understand the importance of family..
here is the last message i wan you to know..
"dar.. i love you.."
and i understand you...

