Sunday, September 21, 2008

The First Time

The first time my nose
touched your hair
the hall was so dark
and crowded
we could barely
move to the music.

The first time my nose
touched your hair
sweat dripped down
my forehead and
arms, and my shirt
clung to my skin.

The first time my nose
touched your hair
my heart beat
so fast i was afraid
you would hear it
and laugh at me.

The first time my nose
touched your hair
i felt my mother's
soft pat on my thighs
and heard my father
whistle a slow tune

because i am sure
that i smelled
milk, sweet and warm,
the tastiest milk,
the first time my nose
touched your hair.

by Rofel G. Brion


Anonymous said...

hey.. Nice poem... and nice potato haha.. u shud be smelling nice all the time... ^^

OmiMako said...

should i? lol~

Anonymous said...

yes u shud so i could smell u every single day in my life...^^

OmiMako said...

>< no la.. how to smell o~

Anonymous said...

can la... it will be possible de.. haha^^ love u most muaks!!!

OmiMako said...

>< i love u dar~ muaks!