Sunday, November 16, 2008

our extra~

ok.. today is shooting day for Aisha.. so in aisha.. we need a cat as our extra... so~ we borrow imri's most adorable and lovely cat name Gigi (is pronounce as "GG")...

wanna know how adorable is it?? look at our pic together then u will know.. haha~

the cat is so so so SO adorable and LAZY~!! lol.. when it walk... it move so slow and lazy that u just cant resist it~!! so so cute...

awww.. i starting to miss her... MISS u Gigi ^^ muaks~


Anonymous said...

Huh ,me leh never miss me ar :P

OmiMako said...

lol.. of course i miss la~ ^^

. said...

well to know to whom this cat belong to
anyway take care all

OmiMako said...

lol.. the cat belong to my lecturer~ but ur cat is cuter ^^

Dalicia said...

you must really love your cat!

OmiMako said...

lol.. is not my cat == is just an extra in the short film.. ^^

. said...
